Sunday, November 24, 2013


Well I'm at Aaron's house and its 0:40 and we are frying bacon on our bonfire! O yeah! 

O and we didn't have a frying pan so we are doing it on a paint tray!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Doctor who

Well I thought I ought to post something about Doctor Who. As many know it is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who making it the longest running si-fi show in history. 

I will admit that I have not yet seen The Day Of The Doctor but I plan to later tonight. 

Also what with this being primarily an art blog I shall post some pictures soon concerning the Doctor. 

And yes I know that technically this post is late. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Benedict Cumberbatch

Not much to explain, it's Benedict Cumberbatch. A brilliant actor.

This is possible my favorite drawing I've ever done.


Woman from the ball

This one is a favorite of mine, done with pastels.
"Woman from the ball"
Unfortunately, the entire drawing can not be seen from this photo. But it's quite close.


Random man

Random man I decided to draw.
Done with pastels.



This sketch is from a series I call GIGs. Girls In Glasses.
You're likely to see more of them from me.


A sad man

Hello! Another drawing from me, Aaron!

This is a sad man. It does not particularly symbolize anything, but I wanted to draw it, and it turned out well.
And yes, I used my face as a minor model. Didn't take everything from it.